Sunday, March 14, 2010

College Question Essay #3

What advice about life- either serious or lighthearted- would you share with a 10-year-old?

I would tell a 10-year-old to never let anyone bring them down. 10-year-olds usually have these crazy dreams of things they want to do when they get older and more often then not, someone is going to tell them its impossible and they will lose that dream. Also more often then not, that person that told them it was impossible was wrong. Kids are going to get made fun of for things and they are going to get discouraged, but they have to just push past it and go for what they want. Everyone gets discouraged in their lives, and it’s a horrible feeling, but other people don't know how they think; they probably just say mean things because they are jealous. I want to tell a 10-year-old to just be themselves and go for what they want. What other people think of them doesn't really matter and I want to save a 10-year-old from that feeling of discouragement.

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