Sunday, March 14, 2010

Novel Response #3

The Piano Teacher by Janice Y.K. Lee

In the book The Piano Teacher, the Japanese take over Hong Kong and everyone that is not Asian is forced into an internment camp. These people have done nothing wrong but they are being treated horribly because their countries are at war. When they ask for simple things to help their living conditions become better, they are ignored.

-What in the book shows that what the Japanese did to these people is unfair?
-What in your life is something that you thought was unfair?
-How could you relate this book to the way society is divided unfairly?

The Japanese put all of the non-Asian people in internment camps because since they had won the war, they thought they were superior to everyone else. However, they were putting civilians in these internment camps, which is not fair because the civilians didn't do anything. They came to Hong Kong to find a new life and they were put in these horrible camps. These people had done nothing wrong; they were treated unfairly because their countries were at war with Japan. The Japanese didn't like people that weren't like them because they were different. The Japanese people did this to these people because they felt like they could. They felt like they were so in control because they had won the war. They wanted to do everything they could to show the world that they had power and would not stop. In this process, innocent people were hurt.

People in my life sometimes treat me unfairly because I come from a different background. Often times, people think I'm weird because I'm Greek and I get made fun of a lot. People probably do this to me because they think they are so much better because they are all American. The truth is, their ancestors are from a different country, too. Just because my family recently came over from Greece, they think they are better then me. People take any opportunity they get to feel like they are better then other people. I know that they are no better then me, but it is very unfair how I am treated.

In our society, we have created this image of normality. If someone is just a little different, then they are treated very poorly. For instance, white people (not all white people) feel as if they are much better then African Americans. Those people were forced to come to America to be our slaves because their skin color is different. When slaves were banned, there was segregation between white people and African Americans because we still thought we were better then them. Today, there are still some white people who treat African Americans unfairly because they are different. Everyone has something different to offer to this world and everyone has to respect that even if they feel they are better then someone else. African Americans never did anything to white people and yet, they were treated horribly. Why did we do this? Because they are just a little bit different.

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